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Hanukkah Verses Christmas

Mosaic of Maccabee Revolt: Faithful Jews cleanse the temple of pagan defilement and restore the worship of the one true God.

Mosaic of Maccabee Revolt: Faithful Jews cleanse the temple of pagan defilement and restore the worship of the one true God.

More and more born-again believers in Jesus Christ [Messiah] are now celebrating Hanukkah each year instead of Christmas. They have discarded the pagan practice of observing “Christ-Mass” and begun to observe Hanukkah instead in a New Testament context. For more information on the fallacy of Christmas observance, read our article: “Was Jesus really born on December 25th.”?

Hanukkah’s historical origin.

The Hanukkah holiday we celebrate this week originally commemorated the defilement of the Jewish temple in 167 B.C. by the Roman ruler Antiochus IV Epiphanes when he attacked Jerusalem, purposely sacrificed a pig (and other abominable creatures to the Jews) on the temple altar, and forced everyone to worship Zeus, his pagan god.

A small number of faithful and heroic Jews, known as the Maccabees, fought back and regained control of their temple from the Roman invasion. Immediately they cleansed the temple and restored the worship of the one true God, Yahovah.

The miracle associated with Hanukkah occurred when the Jewish priests only had enough oil for the Candelabrum to give them one day of light. But they prayed in faith, and God miraculously made the oil last for eight days until more oil could be produced. Thus, the significance of the eight days of Hanukkah where one new candle is lit everyday. The ninth candle is called the “Shammash” (Hebrew: Servant), used to light all the other candles.

New Testament meaning of Hanukkah.

Hanukkah should remind us that our bodies should be cleansed daily of any spiritual defilement because we are the personal dwelling place of the Holy Spirit. Let us live in such a way as to honor and please God with our bodies. When you commit sin, you must confess it quickly and ask God to forgive you and cleanse you once again from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).

– Luis Josephus
