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Giving God First Place

God Is Number 1

God Is Number 1

Just about everyone has seen the “Number One Fan” foam rubber hand that people wave excitedly at football games to show support of their team. I wish someone would manufacture one that says, “God Number One.” It would be a continual reminder for us that our God is in first place in our lives. He alone deserves our first place of worship, and first priority in all of our plans.

I recently traveled out of town for a few days and spent much of the time writing, teaching the Word of God, witnessing about Jesus, visiting the sick, and praying for people in need of physical healing and healing of broken hearts. I was amazed how many doors of opportunity the Holy Spirit made available to me to be of service to God and help others. Even in the course of taking public transportation – buses, metro rails, and trains, I had many divine encounters. One of the reasons this trip was so fruitful, I believe, is because I made the work of God my number one priority. It was exciting and fulfilling, to say the least.

I was reminded of the admonition of Jesus:

“But seek first of all, God’s kingdom and his righteousness [His way of doing and living right], and then all these other things will be given to you besides.” – Matthew 6:33 (JCV)

When we give first priority to the kingdom of God and fulfilling His righteous standards, there is no limit to the amazing things God will do through you, and others around you. Elsewhere, the apostle John wrote:

“Little children, keep yourselves from idols (false gods) or from anything and everything that would occupy the place in your heart due to God, from any sort of substitute for Him that would take first place in your life.” – 1 JOHN 5:21 (AMP)

The sin of idolatry is not just a matter of worshipping other deities or graven images, it can also include the worship of other people or things in life that take priority in our hearts over God. For example, it’s a wonderful thing to love your husband, or wife, or children, but it’s more important to love God first and foremost. Or. when advancing your career, or making money, or any other goal in life becomes more important than fulfilling the will of God, you’re committing the sin of idolatry.

We must be careful to guard our hearts against idolatry, for as the heart goes, so goes the whole body, with disastrous results. The sin of idolatry begins with the heart and mind; that is where we must battle temptation on a daily basis. We need to keep Jesus “number one” in all our plans, decisions, and devotion – everything else must come second. He must be Lord of all, or He is not Lord at all.

–         Luis Josephus


4Jesus Outreach


Dear Heavenly Father, I love You and worship You today with all my heart. Help me to always keep you in first place in my life. Show me how to seek, first of all, Your kingdom and righteousness in all my plans, decisions, and relationships. Keep me from the sin of idolatry, and show me if there is anything in my life that is not prioritized properly so that I can correct it. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.


Commit Your All To God – “…It is the walk of faith to trust [God’s] teaching and direction. Give him first place and let him have precedence. This is the secret of safe guidance and peaceful progression. Simple dependence upon him, committing our all to him, obeying him implicitly – this is how to acknowledge him “in all thy ways.” Al Bryant