4Jesus Online

Proclaiming the Good News of Salvation in Jesus Christ.

True Friendships

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True Friends

True Friends

In this world, there are numerous types of friendships.

There is a FAUCET FRIENDSHIP that people turn on and off.

There is FAKE FRIENDSHIP wherein people will fake you out when you need them most.

There is a FAIR WEATHER FRIENDSHIPS that will remain so long as the weather is fair, but when you’re going through a storm they can’t be found.

But Solomon, the wisest king that ever lived, wrote of a TRUE FRIEND – one that will stick with you no matter what.

“There are ‘friends’ who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother.” – Proverbs 18:24

– Luis Josephus



Author: Luis Joseph Castle

Evangelist Luis Joseph Castle is the founder and director of 4JESUS OUTREACH MINISTRIES, a non-sectarian (i.e. non-denominational) ministry dedicated to communicating the good news gospel of salvation in Jesus Christ. He is also an ordained Christian minister, evangelist, pastor, and author of several books. Visit our website at: www.4JesusOutreach.com

One thought on “True Friendships

  1. Reblogged this on lovelyseasonscomeandgo and commented:
    I like all of my friends but I love my valley walking friends the best.

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